Tuesday, July 14, 2009

NEW Lavender Photo

A new shot of Jessie Cave as Lavender Brown has surfaced, wearing her usual bright array of colors, numerous pieces of jewelry, and pink headband. She appears to be doing homework in the Gryffindor common room.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

NEW Lavender Brown Screenshot

A new shot of Ron and Lavender in the background at the Gryffindor celebration party, moments before Lavender makes her move and kisses Ron for the first time.

NEW Lavender Brown Promo

A new promo of Ron and Lavender in a Hogwarts corridor. Judging from released clips, this is probably sometime before or after Hermione's bird attack.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

FULL Jessie Cave LA Times Interview

For your final audition, what scene did you get to act out with Rupert?
We actually had to improvise for a good 15 or 20 minutes, which is very scary. It’s a really long time. The director, David Yates, was there and he was just like, “Hi. Right. Here’s a plate of  biscuits, Jessie. It’s a lovely plate of chocolate biscuits and I want you to do whatever you want with these biscuits.’ Rupert was in the room, sitting on the sofa, and I just thought, ‘What the hell am I going to do with this plate of biscuits?’

What did you end up doing?
I thought, ‘I’m just going to go for it.’ And I think Rupert was a bit scared, really. The biscuits were past the sofa, away from me so I kind of just tangled myself around Rupert and just made it really obvious that I didn’t really care about the biscuits. I just wanted to be near him. I think he was quite scared.

Awww, he was probably acting, too. Right?
No, he was actually scared [laughs]. I think he’s easily scared though, bless him. He was so lovely and we really got on and made each other laugh, and that helped.

Was he less scared once you started filming?
He was very easygoing and very laid-back. He didn’t at all have any kind of ego, he was just a nice guy and very normal. It was easy to become friends with him, which I didn’t expect to be honest. I’ve watched [the  ‘Harry Potter’ stars] since I was young and, you know, I didn’t think they’d be as normal as they are. It’s quite weird.

Do you remember what your first day on set was like? 
It’s funny, I was filming for six months, but I remember my third day was the big kissing scene. I remember thinking, ‘Why are they doing this so early?’ It helped actually because the nerves kind of added to the scene. There were so many extras, like 70 other people in the room, it could have gone so wrong. The first day was kind of building up to the kissing scene, so it was immediately going into the deep end.

If I remember correctly, Lavender’s the aggressor in the relationship, right?
Ha! Yes, she is incredibly dominating of Ron. She just wants to be around him all the time and she’s the one who initiates everything. She’s one of those girls that’s very pretty and very obvious, she’s just not really aware of how she’s being perceived by anyone else. And I think that’s really sweet in a way because she doesn’t perceive barriers very well [laughs]. She treads all over them. It’s why she ruffles Hermione’s feathers so much.

She does put up a good fight.
She’s almost the catalyst in setting up Hermione and Ron in the final chapter of the saga really. Without Lavender, they wouldn’t have been forced together, to acknowledge their feelings so abruptly because she definitely caused that.

How did it feel playing someone who everyone will know doesn’t stand a chance? 
Well, she does really! She does quite well. She does go out with him and does get her claws into him for awhile. Not claws -- she’s lovely. She does get her way for a tiny bit, but unfortunately, it doesn’t end up her way.

How is Lavender introduced?
She’s in the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes shop and she’s kind of ogling Ron. She’s been going to school with them for years, but it’s not that she’s making her interests known.

Were you already a 'Harry Potter' fan when you auditioned for the part?
Oh, yes! I’m one of five in my family and we’ve all gone through the books at different paces. I read ‘Half-Blood Prince’ before I knew anything about the auditions. So to have already read the character was so great. Also, my little brothers and sisters are so excited, and proud. It’s impacted their lives in a really nice way. So I’m really grateful for it.

Did any of them get to go with you to the set? 
I brought them all on set but my little sister, she’s 11, she was the one who was in awe of everything. Jim Broadbent was there, and Daniel Radcliffe. I brought her into the Potions classroom and I signaled Daniel to wave at her without her seeing. And then Daniel waved and she thought he had done that for no reason and she was in seventh heaven. She was absolutely star struck. She almost fainted when she saw Emma [Watson] in the corridor. It is so bizarre to actually meet them because, you know, they’re on posters everywhere. It’s so weird. My sister’s got sticker books of them and then to actually meet them? There’s actually a new sticker book with me in it, so she’s got stickers of me now. It’s so sweet. I can’t believe I’m actually a sticker.

What’s been the best perk that comes with being in a 'Harry Potter' movie?
Just to be there every day was so brilliant. I’m so happy with it. I had a few scenes with Michael Gambon, and in the hospital scene, I met all of British acting royalty. I was so scared I didn’t really speak. To be in the room with them is quite overwhelming. Someone behind me said, ‘You’re standing next to three Oscars and a BAFTA,‘ or something. Yeah, that made it much easier for me [laughs]. That was the best thing. 

Jessie Cave imdb Mini Biography

Jessie Cave studied Illustration and Animation at Kingston University, London, and worked backstage in various theatres before deciding to pursue acting.

She got a place at RADA to study Stage Management, but after watching some actors in rehearsal rooms she changed her mind and applied to drama school. She was ready to go to The Oxford School of Drama when she got the part in Harry Potter.

Jessie Cave Filmography

"The Science of Cool" (2009) (pre-production)
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" (2009) Lavender Brown
"Inkheart" (2008) (uncredited) Water nymph
"Summerhill" (2008) (TV) Stella
"Cranford" (2007) (TV) Villager

NEW Jessie Cave Interview

Do you remember what your first day on set was like? 
It’s funny, I was filming for six months, but I remember my third day was the big kissing scene. I remember thinking, ‘Why are they doing this so early?’ It helped actually because the nerves kind of added to the scene. There were so many extras, like 70 other people in the room, it could have gone so wrong. The first day was kind of building up to the kissing scene, so it was immediately going into the deep end.

If I remember correctly, Lavender’s the aggressor in the relationship, right?
Ha! Yes, she is incredibly dominating of Ron. She just wants to be around him all the time and she’s the one who initiates everything. She’s one of those girls that’s very pretty and very obvious, she’s just not really aware of how she’s being perceived by anyone else. And I think that’s really sweet in a way because she doesn’t perceive barriers very well [laughs]. She treads all over them. It’s why she ruffles Hermione’s feathers so much.

She does put up a good fight.
She’s almost the catalyst in setting up Hermione and Ron in the final chapter of the saga really. Without Lavender, they wouldn’t have been forced together, to acknowledge their feelings so abruptly because she definitely caused that.

How did it feel playing someone who everyone will know doesn’t stand a chance? 
Well, she does really! She does quite well. She does go out with him and does get her claws into him for awhile. Not claws - she’s lovely. She does get her way for a tiny bit, but unfortunately, it doesn’t end up her way.

How is Lavender introduced?
She’s in the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes shop and she’s kind of ogling Ron. She’s been going to school with them for years, but it’s not that she’s making her interests known.